Sussex Flydressers Guild meets on the first and third Thursday evenings of each
month from 19:00 hrs September to April at Clayton Church Hall, Underhill Lane,
Clayton, West Sussex BN6 9PJ

Welcome to the Sussex Fly Dressers' Guild website.
Whether you are a novice taking your first steps in fly fishing or a seasoned addict, we hope you find everything you need here on these pages.
Feel free to browse around the site but above all don't forget to contact us, either by phone, email or best of all in person at one of our meetings where there will always be a warm welcome and a cup of tea. We hope you enjoy your visit to the site and good fishing!
A 25 lb Monster!
Alan with a big smile and an even bigger 25 lb Monster Common from a recent SFDG Carp-on-the-fly outing to a local Sussex venue.

Whether you are new to fly fishing or are a seasoned campaigner our 'Hints & Tips' section has something for you.
How Much Does Your Fishing Cost?
A useful chart comparing trout fishery charges as of March 2023